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Pueblos Yucatecos

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Pueblos Yucatecos

About this collection


292 digital objects.


The “Pueblos Yucatecos” Project and Collection grew out of a series of oral history interviews, conducted in 2000 as part of my dissertation research on women’s organizing in the decades following the Mexican Revolution [Sarah Anne Buck, Activists and mothers: Feminist and maternalist politics in Mexico, 1923-1953, Ph.D. Dissertation, Rutgers University, 2002]. At that time, I was interested in learning as much as possible about revolutionary women’s leagues from the perspective of rural women who belonged to such groups.  I gained insight into this topic and much more, as the women interviewed told me about daily and extraordinary life events and experiences, ranging from biological, familial, and domestic to communal, social, political and economic topics.  In 2014 I returned to five of these communities (Tixkokob, Muxupip, Kinchil, Temozon, and Tixmehuác), in order to give relatives and community members copies of the audio recordings and printed transcripts of the interviews, and also to secure permission to archive the audio recordings and the written transcripts in a digital location where they could be more widely accessed.  Such digital content’s presence in the University of California San Diego’s Digital Library constitutes the fulfillment of this goal. As I am able, I am continuing to communicate with and gather new information (including photographs and additional digital content) from people in these 5 communities.

Creation Date
  • September 2017-
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